BJK Publishing Best-Selling Author * Traditional Naturopath * Spiritual Counselor * Health and Wellness Educator
Naturopathic Clinician Training Retreats 2024
February 5 - 16, 2024
Cape Coast, Ghana
Enjoy a 10 day intensive learning with a little bit of relaxation in the all-inclusive retreat (Lodging, Meals, Manuals and Materials). Learn hands-on techniques in a variety of wellness therapies including Detox Therapist Certification, Naturopathic Touch Reflexology, Naturopathic Reiki, Therapeutic Herbology, Aroma Touch Therapy, Vibration Therapy, Shiatsu Level 1, Crystal Therapy, International Holistic Health Business, Choose individual classes based on your time and interest. (Overnight stay not included for single classes and local students.)
Class Summaries
Aroma Therapy Training
Learn the science of aroma touch therapy. This essential oil application therapy invokes relaxation, detoxification, and strengthens the immune system. With 8 therapeutic essential oils the peripheral nervous system is stimulated through touch and varying temperatures to assist in realigning the body's health. Learn the giving and receiving of this timeless therapy that is sure to be a favorite for you and your clients. Course Requirements: Practical Assessment
Crystal Therapy Training
The body as a product of nature must be nurtured by the elements to fully function. Learn to align and open the body through mineral therapy, energy cleansing, and herbal resonance remedies. Crystals can and should be used in the healing processes of your clients. The methods of application in crystal therapy are unlimited. Learn to develop crystal therapy programs including the art of crystal oracle reading and lithomancy. Course Requirements: Practical Assessment
Detox Therapist Training
Learn to develop holistic detox programs to fit the needs of all your clients. Become acquainted with various methods of hydrotherapy, nutritional detox, herbal therapies, touch therapies, The Metaphysics of Detox, Detox Movement and Organ Stress Identification. Students are guided through an easy to follow curriculum that will challenge your full sensory mode of analysis with practical, multimedia presentations and live demonstrations. This hands on class will provide info on the latest in detox therapy for the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual cleansing techniques that provide total balance.
Course Requirements: Practical Assessment and Detox Plan completion
Naturopathic Touch Reflexology
A healing touch technique for the hands and feet that stimulates the complete body system. Learn reflex points, finger action techniques and advanced theory on this ancient art of touch healing.
Course Requirements: Practical Assessment and Care Plan completion
Naturopathic Reiki Certifications
Reiki is taught in three levels, with Level I being the basic techniques for hands on treatment for self and others and the history and uses of Reiki. In Level II, students learn techniques for remote healing and for increasing the connection and effect of Reiki using the three symbols of traditional Reiki II. Reiki Level II offers a way to work with a wide range of energy frequencies for specific purposes and meditations. The Reiki Master Teacher (level III) training consists of the tools needed to move into the instructional aspect of Naturopathic Reiki and more advanced therapies. In Level III students learn the master symbols, the attunement processes, a fair value exchange, professional Reiki ethics, the skills needed to teach Reiki, understanding of auras, advance Reiki healing techniques, and advance chakra therapy with Reiki.
Requirement: Practical Assessment and Written Summaries
Therapeutic Herbology
This course of Naturopathic Herbology will take us to the lush gardens and orchards of Ghana to collect various botanical medicines and herbs. With these specimens we will embark upon a day of hands on for creations of the methods of application that are required for the proficient herbalist. Learn to prepare, tinctures, tonics, syrups, and oil infusions. Course Requirement: Practical Assessment
Shiatsu Level 1
Learn the fundamentals of meridian therapy through acupressure for relaxation. Aligning the body/mind energy with the function of the internal organs through touch therapy can create homeostasis and a consistent state of calm in life. Shiatsu uses an array of body contact techniques using the hands, elbows, arms, feet, knees, and the power of the hara to restore the energy of organs and body systems. Not to mention it feels so good when the therapy is done!
Requirement: Practical Assessment
Vibration Therapy
Your introduction to the healing vibrations of the Tibetan singing bowls. Learn to play the rhythms of the soul that reaches beyond dimensions to the infinite nature of the spirit body. Get acquainted with the different styles of bowls and the beginning steps of self therapy. Learn time tested techniques in vibration therapy that has proven essential in the quest for perfect health and longevity. Learn more then 20 therapy techniques to use with clients for relaxation and healing. Learn to choose the best sound therapy instruments to enhance the health of the body, mind, and spirit. Course Requirement: Practical Assessment
April 26 - 29
Houston, TX
Enjoy a 4 day intensive learning with a little bit of relaxation in the all-inclusive retreat (Lodging, Meals, Manuals and Materials). Learn hands-on techniques in a variety of wellness therapies including Detox Therapist Certification, Naturopathic Touch Reflexology, Vegan Food Prep Training, Naturopathic Iridology, and Therapeutic Herbology, Aroma Therapy, Chakra Therapy, Crystal Therapy, International Holistic Health Business, Reiki 1 Certification, Choose individual classes based on your time and interest. (Overnight stay not included for single classes.)
Class Summaries
Aroma Therapy Training
Learn the science of aroma touch therapy. This essential oil application therapy invokes relaxation, detoxification, and strengthens the immune system. With 8 therapeutic essential oils the peripheral nervous system is stimulated through touch and varying temperatures to assist in realigning the body's health. Learn the giving and receiving of this timeless therapy that is sure to be a favorite for you and your clients. Course Requirements: Practical Assessment
Detox Therapist Training
Learn to develop holistic detox programs to fit the needs of all your clients. Become acquainted with various methods of hydrotherapy, nutritional detox, herbal therapies, touch therapies, The Metaphysics of Detox, Detox Movement and Organ Stress Identification. Students are guided through an easy to follow curriculum that will challenge your full sensory mode of analysis with practical, multimedia presentations and live demonstrations. This hands on class will provide info on the latest in detox therapy for the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual cleansing techniques that provide total balance.
Course Requirements: Practical Assessment
Naturopathic Touch Reflexology
A healing touch technique for the hands, feet, ears, and scalp that stimulates the complete body system. Learn reflex points, finger action techniques and advanced theory on this ancient art of touch healing.
Course Requirements: Practical Assessment
Naturopathic Iridology
The iris is an ending point for the nerves of about ninety tissues, organs, and brain functions in the body. Iridology is a holistic health assessment tool used for reading the physical characteristics of the iris as a means of bringing attention to possible ailments, inherent weaknesses, and health concerns. Learn iridology fundamentals for yourself and family wellness. Learn to access the iris for dietary stress, toxicity, mental stress and inherent weaknesses. Learn to provide natural recommendations relevant to stresses in the body system. Learn to use manual assessment tools and development accurate scanning techniques. Become competent in facial analysis as an added assessment tool.
Course Requirement: Practical Assessment
Therapeutic Herbology
This mini course of Naturopathic Herbology is a hands on for all of the methods of application that are required for the proficient herbalist. We will also explore the requirements for putting herbal products on the professional market.
Learn to prepare capsules, tinctures, tonics, syrups and salves.
Course Requirement: Practical Assessment
Vegan Food Prep Training
In Naturopathy, the first line of recommendation to clients is nutrition, therefore, to envelope the skills for preparing both raw and cooked plant-based meals is essential for the Naturopathic Clinician. We will spend an afternoon learning the essentials of nutritional meals. Including juicing, raw food menu planning, and cooking for nutrition and healing.
Course Requirement: Meal Preparation